Do you have room in your heart to be a foster caregiver?
Learn more below about fostering with HART.
Medical Foster Team
Periodically, we have cats at the shelter with short-term medical needs, best treated in a home environment, away from the stress of the shelter. Our Medical Foster administers their treatment, and once well, returns the cat to the shelter, where they are made available for adoption.
Sometimes our cats have long-term, complex medical issues, making adoption an unlikely option. Placement within a Medical Foster home in these situations is meant to be for the life of the cat.
Finally, we do have some cats facing end-of-life illnesses and our dedicated Medical Fosters also provide compassionate hospice care for these cats.
Our Medical Foster families are supported by our Medical Manager who makes sure fosters have all the skills and understanding they need to care for their special cats.
Kitten Foster Team
We are always looking for more local foster homes that are willing to open their hearts and homes to pregnant cats, moms with babies, and orphaned kittens. Kittens are the most vulnerable population in shelters and placing them in foster homes keeps them safe and healthy!
Families are always needed to provide a temporary, loving home to our kittens. Foster homes help to socialize kittens to new people, other pets, and the home environment, helping them prepare for adoption.
Being a foster is a very fun and rewarding experience for the entire family.
If you're interested in finding out more about joining the Foster Team at HART, please review and fill out the appropriate Foster Application below. If you have any questions, please email Claudia at cmeyer@hartofme.org.